Work Life

7 Tips to Balance Work and Personal Life as a Nurse

Nurses are one of the most important people in society. Not only do they help heal people and bring them back to health, but they also care for them during some of their toughest times. Unfortunately, many nurses find it difficult to find work-life balance as a nurse because their job requires so much from them physically and emotionally.

1. Make time for yourself

The first step to achieving work-life balance is to schedule time for yourself. You can do this by adding a “me” day into your weekly agenda, or making sure you have at least one hour of alone time each week. Use that time wisely and block off anything that will take away from the importance of what you are doing.
Use this time to do anything you enjoy. Some activities include taking a bubble bath, reading a good book, going for a nice hike, the possibilities are endless and as long as you are using this time to make yourself feel good, this small act of self-care will charge your batteries and keep you sane.

2. Take it easy

Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is easy to get caught up in where you want to go and what your goals are, but take it one day at a time. One of the most common mistakes people make with trying to find work-life balance is that they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Countless people go about their days focusing only the giant workload on their desks, stressed and worried about deadlines, and pleasing their boss. This is a sure-fire way to get burned out and end up in a job you hate. Remember that in the end while your contributions to your organization are important they are not the priority, you are. So, stop and smell the roses every once in a while, and instead of living for your work focus on finding a life that works for you. Give yourself permission to take time off work. Take a day or two off if you need it! You can’t be your best self if you’re not taking good care of yourself, so don’t worry about using up those vacation days.

3. Stay connected

One of the best ways to keep stress at bay and achieve work-life balance is to stay connected with your loved ones. Make time for them, talk often, and don’t use work as an excuse to not spend quality time together. If you find it difficult to make this happen because you are constantly on the go, try to set up a weekly night or weekend when you can connect with them. If you have kids, schedule a weekly game night, or maybe a weekly get together with friends. Don’t have friends or need new ones? Check out or Facebook groups to find some like-minded people in your area. In our society, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find time for ourselves. We’re always on the go and rarely take a break from work-related tasks that can be done later so we can focus on what matters: family, friends, hobbies, etc.

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4. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or exercise.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, acknowledging thoughts without judgement, breathing deeply and focusing on positive thoughts before going into a stressful situation. Meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways, but the best form is when you sit in silence for a set amount of time and focus on your breathing. This is one of the hardest parts to balance, but it’s so important. You must take care of yourself first before you can fully give your energy and attention to others. That means eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water (or zero calorie drinks), making time for exercise or other stress relief methods like yoga, meditation, or practicing mindfulness. Keep up with eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep. This will help you to feel more energized and be able to maintain a healthy weight which in turn can assist in feeling less stressed out or overwhelmed by work. Keeping good habits is easier said than done but it’s an important part of work-life balance.

5. Reduce what's on your plate.

Appreciate that being overwhelmed and stressed out is not always bad! It should be seen as an opportunity for change because it means you are taking on too much in life and it might be time to reduce what’s on your plate. By reducing your load you give yourself the opportunity to perform at your highest potential. Become more efficient at work by setting expectations from others so you are not having to turn away from your priorities every time someone has a question. One way of doing this, for example, is by establishing a set time for checking and answering emails. If people know that you only have a certain window to answer emails they won’t expect you to answer right away. This way you can focus on the projects that are high priority.

Key Points:
– It is important to have an email/message response process.
– Be mindful of how much you take on, and plan for what will be your priorities in life.
– Set clear expectations from others so they know when it would be appropriate for them to contact you with questions or requests.

6. Set boundaries

Learn to say no! This is crucial to finding work-life balance. Set boundaries in your life and stick to them. It’s important to look at what you’re saying yes to, as well as looking at the things you are guiltily shirking on in order to have time for yourself. It is easy to think it may not be worth the effort or that you might come off as rude but others need to know that you are not willing to cross certain lines. There is nothing worse than having something to do after work and a supervisor comes and tells you you have to stay late, by setting boundaries early on you can set precedent that you will not be forced to stay extra time unless it is mandatory. There is nothing worse than having a workload you cant manage. Speak to your boss and advocate for yourself. This simple act may help you and your boss figure out how to get you help so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

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7. Get organized

It can be so easy to get overwhelmed with all of the different tasks you are juggling throughout your day. I find it useful to make lists that break down my many obligations into manageable pieces and set reminders on my phone so I don’t forget anything at work or home. It also helps me to prioritize my tasks and focus on the ones that are most important first. By getting organized, you will be able to free up time for the things you really want to do and will also become a more productive worker.

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